
corona virus outbreak

The Corona virus pandemic causing COVID-19 is a challenge for the government and the people of Indonesia.  Various ways are being rolled out to reduce the outbreak.

Some symptoms that need to be considered if attacked by corona virus are body fever above 38 degrees Celsius and shortness of breath.  If you experience symptoms of a cold and a dry throat, is it a sign of corona infection?

Although colds and dry throat can be the first symptoms of the Corona virus that causes COVID-19, the first thing to do is not to panic.  The initial sign of COVID-19 is almost the same as the flu in general.  Such as fever, cough, runny nose, or throat that feels dry.

But there are differences between the two.  Then how to distinguish colds and dry coughs due to weather influences?

Reporting from intermountainhealthcare. org, the new corona virus or COVID-19 is a new type of virus that was not previously seen in humans.

This virus can spread quickly throughout the world.  The other four Corona viruses that are actually very common and usually cause mild symptoms are the common cold.  But in the case of COVID-19, its spread can lead to chronic diseases in certain groups.

For example at the age of 50 years and over accompanied by basic conditions such as heart disease, pneumonia to diabetes Symptoms of Covid-19 include fever, dry cough, difficulty breathing, easy to tired (sometimes) and feel pain and aches (  sometimes).

In addition there are also headaches (sometimes) and inflammation of the throat (sometimes).  Normal human body temperature is 36-37 degrees Celsius.  Temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius are categorized as fever.  Mild symptoms usually appear gradually.  Usually appear between 3-4 days after exposure to the virus.  And the maximum is for 14 days.

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